About project

Encyclopedia of Ukrainian Architecture – is a multimedia online project that demonstrates the panorama of Ukrainian architecture with the help of various media tools. Curators, as well as guest directors, video makers, media artists, architects in their photo and video works, performances, collages analyze how society shapes architecture and how architecture shapes society. The project, created at the intersection of architecture, history, criticism, cinema and visual arts, encourages dialogue. This comprehensive approach allows to maximize the perception of the material environment, see it from different angles and form own opinion about its current state. This is a revision of the role of an architect and architecture of today, the interpretation of the axioms of this area, the visualization of its elements, styles, processes and temporal changes.

More than 40 participants, two female curators and a male one, 16 team members, almost 20 partner organizations, 26 short films, 4 photo projects, 2 series of collages – this is a story about community and solidarity. We are proud of our network and everyone who joined the creation of the "Encyclopedia of Ukrainian Architecture". A large number of talented and sincere professionals from around the world worked on the project online in Ukraine, Argentina, Germany, Georgia, the Netherlands, Denmark. The initiative was joined by government agencies and the public sector, small communities and entire cities, representatives of various fields – cultural, architectural, humanitarian, educational, legal, as well as museum employees and archivists, journalists and urban planners. Although not in brick and stone, the architecture within this project has fulfilled its mission – it united people, became a space of interaction, support and respect.

"Encyclopedia of Ukrainian Architecture" is implemented by the NGO "Urban Forms Center" in partnership with the small cultural capital of Ukraine 2020-2021 – Slavutych, Slavutych City Council and the Central State Scientific and Technical Archive of Ukraine with the financial support of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation and Zagoriy Foundation.

  • UFC
  • Центральний державний науково-технічний архів України (ЦДНТА)
  • Славутич
With support
  • Український культурний фонд
  • Zogoriy Foundation
  • КП «Агентство регіонального розвитку» Славутицької міської ради
  • Палац дітей та молоді Славутицької міської ради
  • DOM Publishers
  • Видавець Савчук
  • ДНАББ ім. В.Г. Заболотного
  • ЦДКФФА України
  • ЦДАМЛМ України
  • Харківський історичний музей імені М. Ф. Сумцова
  • Заборона
  • Музей Харківської школи фотографії
  • Urban Space 500
  • Модерністки
  • Харківський антикорупційний центр
  • Школи Лохвицького земства
  • Odessa Photo days
  • ГО “Місто-сад”